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What features do good telematics systems offer? #1

What features do good telematics systems offer? #1

Part 1 of 3

Lesezeit: 2 minutes | Wednesday, 13. Jun 2018

There are a variety of telematics systems on the market. In our knowledge series, we will introduce you to the features that good telematics systems should have. Here are the first five features:

Intelligent Information System

As telematics systems capture, transmit, and present important data about your fleet and vehicles, they serve as crucial information systems. All key performance indicators of your vehicles are displayed clearly and in real-time on your computer, tablet, or smartphone and should form the basis for decisions in your operational business.


Where is the fleet located, what is the remaining driving time? Are the specified routes being followed? A good telematics system provides answers to these and many other questions. Routes should be easily created and optimized. In addition, orders should be easily assigned to a vehicle. Vehicles should be located on up-to-date maps, and routes should be traceable.

Streamlined Communication

Telematics systems greatly improve communication between drivers and dispatchers. Drivers receive messages, navigation destinations, or route changes directly in the vehicle. Using the provided response options, drivers can confirm messages or transmit the current status of the order. This greatly simplifies communication, creates clarity, and saves a lot of phone calls.

Comprehensive Reports

Telematics systems help you transfer important vehicle metrics into your company. However, the data is not only transferred but also processed for you and provided in the form of clear reports. This allows you to see all the key metrics of your fleet and discover and leverage optimization potentials.

Tachograph Remote Download

With the Tachograph Remote Download feature, you save unnecessary trips to your trucks because the data from the driver card and the mass storage of the digital tachograph can be remotely downloaded via mobile data transmission. We offer you a service where the data is automatically imported into our software for analysis, management, and archiving.

We will introduce more features to you next week in part two!

#Telematik #BlueLOGICO #TachoEASY #LKW #Diposition

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