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Day two at the transport logistic in Munich

Day two at the transport logistic in Munich

Experience Report #2

Lesezeit: 2 minutes | Wednesday, 05. Jun 2019

The trade fair team reports from day two of the transport logistic. Today, on Wednesday, numerous visitors arrived at the fair as early as 9 am. At our booth, our team had the opportunity to engage with many visitors, discussing the latest features and functionalities of our solutions (BlueLOGICO®, TEOS®-App, and TachoLOG®) on-site.

Ready for DTCO 4.0

Due to its relevance, there was considerable interest today in the archiving capabilities of the tachograph data from the new DTCO of the 4th generation. For archiving and analyzing the data from the new "smart" tachographs and the new device cards, both TachoEASY and our sister company Zauner will offer upgrades.

Benefits of Automatic Remote Download

Regardless of the adjustments in the archiving software, booth visitors were provided with a detailed insight into the possibilities and advantages of fully automatic remote downloading of tachograph and driver data... Remote downloading (also known as RDL) allows users to securely and location-independently automatically download all relevant vehicle and driver data via a mobile data connection. Since even the driving and rest times can be loaded fully automatically in the intervals prescribed by the legislator, the dispatcher always has a reliable basis for his deployment planning.

A Little Surprise

Tomorrow, a small surprise awaits you at our booth, as the successful transport entrepreneur and Asphalt Cowboy Andreas Schubert will visit us at our booth in Hall A3, Stand 308. From noon onwards, Andreas Schubert will answer visitors' questions about himself and automatic remote downloading. You have the opportunity to personally meet the trucking legend from Tegernsee and take a photo together.

We look forward to welcoming you to our booth tomorrow!

See you tomorrow,

Your TachoEASY trade fair team

#Telematik #BlueLOGICO #TachoEASY #LKW #Diposition #Messe

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