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Deceptively Real: Schubert Trucks Faithfully Replicated

Deceptively Real: Schubert Trucks Faithfully Replicated

We proudly present!

Lesezeit: 3 minutes | Wednesday, 29. Jan 2020

The truck enthusiast Peter S. needed a lot of patience and a steady hand to recreate the model version of the iconic Andreas Schubert trucks in a scale of 1:87. The two models consist of 50-70 individual parts each. According to his own statements, Peter S. took about two months to build the Schubert trucks with TachoEASY trailers, following these steps:

  1. Creation and printing of the decals for the models
  2. Ordering of the unpainted tractor units (Scania brand) and the tarpaulin structures for the trailers
  3. Disassembling the unpainted models and hand-painting all individual parts
  4. Custom production of the trailer by BERGERecotrail® using a 3D printer
  5. Assembly of the freshly painted parts (tractor units and trailers)
  6. Application of the decals and sealing with clear lacquer
  7. Attachment of details: low and side bars, deep sun visors, antennas, lamp bars, Michelin figures, tire labels, storage boxes, etc.

The end result is truly impressive! We are pleased to see the Schubert trucks with TachoEASY trailers now hitting the road with plenty of horsepower and as faithful scale models.

Automatic Remote Downloading of Tachograph Data

The transport industry is subject to a variety of legal regulations. Drivers and entrepreneurs are equally responsible for compliance with legal requirements. Violations can result in significant fines. To ensure that the requirements are met in a straightforward and automated manner, trucking companies like Andreas Schubert rely on the remote downloading of tachograph data using TachoLOG®. In addition to meeting the legally prescribed download intervals (28 days for the driver card, 3 months for the vehicle unit), with TachoLOG®, the entrepreneur receives daily evaluations of driving and rest times. With automatic remote downloading (also known as RDL), our software automatically retrieves the driver card and tachograph data via hardware connected to the DTCO and presents the relevant information for the dispatcher in TachoLOG® in a clear and concise manner.

Violation Analysis and Driver Instruction

In addition to automatic download and archiving of driver card and tachograph data, TachoLOG® can also generate an automatic analysis of current driver violations for trucking companies. Violations and thresholds can be easily and quickly analyzed and documented in TachoLOG®. Based on the violation analysis, driver instructions can be created in TachoLOG®. With TachoLOG®, trucking companies can easily comply with legally required driver training and documentation.

The advantages of remote downloading at a glance:

  • Regular transfer of data from the tachograph of all vehicles and all driver cards
  • Fully automatic download Location and time independent
  • Automatic integration into the archiving software TachoLOG®
  • Relieving your employees from data archiving handling
  • Violation analysis & driver instruction
  • Report generation from the data
  • Expansion of the system with important telematics functions possible
#Telematik #BlueLOGICO #TachoEASY #LKW #Diposition

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