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Your all-in-one partner for fleet management

Your all-in-one partner for fleet management

Performance Overview

Lesezeit: 3 minutes | Thursday, 21. Jan 2021

The year 2020 has brought many changes, not only in our industry. New situations always pose a challenge and require flexibility and adaptability. We want to support you with our solutions and start together into the year 2021. The transport and logistics industry is more in demand than ever. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, it forms a cornerstone on the path back to normalcy.

Whether you are a one-man operation or a large enterprise, with the individually scalable products from TachoEASY, your operation is optimally supported in the use of your fleet. In this article, we want to give you an overview of our offer and how you can benefit from it! With TachoEASY, you get everything from one reliable source. Let's steer towards the future together and set course for 2021.

Product Range

BlueLOGICO® - The Flexible Telematics System

Our telematics system BlueLOGICO® covers all areas of fleet management and is individually expandable. From integral functions such as tracking and route planning, to employee management functions such as time tracking and driver license check, to specialized functions such as the integration of subcontractors and the integration of information from existing ERP systems. Optionally, the system can also be connected to driver tablets and/or smartphones to further simplify and improve communication between dispatcher and driver.

With BlueLOGICO®, you gain a high level of control over your fleet, can effectively save costs, and gain valuable time for planning your assignments.

TachoLOG® - Tachograph Management Made Easy

The simple and robust system for data management of the Digital Tachograph is called TachoLOG®. It is used to evaluate, archive, and secure the data recorded by the Digital Tachograph. The software is designed to allow entrepreneurs to meet legal obligations with minimal effort. TachoLOG® automatically handles proper archiving. Otherwise time-consuming tasks such as data backup are completed "at the touch of a button."

By using TachoLOG®, you automatically meet legal requirements, always have an overview of all deadlines and their due dates, and can make the right decisions at any time through meaningful evaluations.

All our knowledge and experience from the years with TachoLOG have flowed into the development of tacholog². We bring exponential performance in the area of tachograph archiving.

Fleetendo® - The Fully Automatic Mileage Log

With the TÜV-certified mileage log, trips are recorded seamlessly, completely, and promptly. With Fleetendo®, you shorten administrative times, have full cost control, and ensure compliance with legal requirements.


100% Support including Remote Maintenance

TachoEASY offers comprehensive support for all product groups, including ongoing updates and maintenance. Remote maintenance ensures efficient problem solving directly on the customer's system. The technical team is available for this purpose at all times.

Personal Consultation and Requirements Analysis

Our employees are happy to inform you personally about our solutions for your individual needs. This way, you get a product that is tailored directly to you. After a comprehensive requirements analysis, you get the functionality that is really needed in your company and thereby save costs significantly.

On-site Telematics Installation

With our certified technicians, we install the vehicle hardware on-site and ensure flawless functionality. Specially trained project managers support you in the successful implementation of your individual solution.


In the TachoEASY Academy, we offer our customers the opportunity to train and further educate themselves in all relevant areas. Our training team consists of top trainers with years of experience. The offer includes online seminars on how to use our software products, as well as professional driver training and training for dispatchers and entrepreneurs.

An overview of the topics covered by our academy:

Digital Tachograph - Legal and social security regulations Implementation of entrepreneurial obligations in road haulage Optimal use of TachoEASY solutions in your company

#Telematik #TEOS #Fahrer #Fahrerinnen

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