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Mobile order management

Mobile order management

Benefits for Entrepreneurs and Drivers

Lesezeit: 4 minutes | Wednesday, 12. Feb 2020

Order creation and management in BlueLOGICO®

The majority of your employees spend their workdays on the road and with your customers. To allow your drivers to focus on completing orders, the creation and transmission of orders should be as simple and efficient as possible. Our order assistant in BlueLOGICO® provides this efficiency in order planning and management: With just a few clicks, you can create new driving orders and distribute them (via drag and drop) to your drivers. The routes can either be automatically imported and planned in BlueLOGICO® through an interface or created directly in BlueLOGICO® using the order assistant.

Your benefits as a business owner:

  • Easy and quick creation of orders or automatic import from dispatch software
  • You are always informed about the location of your vehicles
  • Real-time dispatching of routes/orders via drag & drop
  • Error-free information transmission
  • Central view of all activities

Benefits for drivers:

The TEOS® app supports your drivers in mobile order processing. The intuitive TEOS® app works on common Android smartphones and tablets and guides drivers through the order process – from communication to digitally signing delivery notes.

  • Receive all necessary information for the order on smartphone/tablet while on the go
  • Initiate navigation directly from the order
  • Completed orders are automatically reported back
  • No more paperwork - all data is transmitted electronically
  • Direct electronic communication between dispatch and drivers
  • Can use integrated forms or digital delivery notes
#Telematik #BlueLOGICO #TachoEASY #LKW #Diposition

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