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The most important benefits of a telematic system

The most important benefits of a telematic system

How to reduce costs and save time

Lesezeit: 3 minutes | Wednesday, 25. Jul 2018

Advantages of Telematics

Companies with their own fleet often face noticeable cost pressures and must also comply with a variety of legal requirements. In addition, there are increasing customer expectations, especially regarding service levels. Since telematics systems link important and company-specific information together, these systems offer significant benefits for companies and usually pay off quickly. Fundamentally, telematics systems help companies manage their own fleet without much effort. In addition, productivity is increased, costs are saved, and CO2 emissions are reduced.

The Top 5 Benefits

  • Efficient Fleet Management
  • Increase in Productivity
  • Economic Advantage
  • Safety
  • Environmental Protection

In this post, we provide an overview of how a good telematics system contributes to increasing the efficiency of your fleet and how you can optimize fleet management.

Since fleet operators and dispatchers gain access to important performance indicators of their fleet through a telematics system, this information can be used to increase productivity. The following chart shows the result of a study by the Max Planck Institute. The study examined the situation of fleet companies before and after the introduction of a telematics system. The result shows that the participating companies were able to increase km efficiency by 8.1%. In other words, almost 10% more cargo could be transported with the same mileage (in km).

Source: Empirical study "Optimized Dispatch and Telematics" by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology.

The increase in productivity can be explained by the following parameters, among others:

  • Effective dispatching/scheduling based on real-time data
    • Higher capacity utilization
    • Reduction of transport distance  
    • transports at risk of being overdue, can be identified and rescheduled
    • Orders can be sent from dispatch/scheduling directly to the vehicle
  • Minimization of detours through driver support and monitoring
  • Simplified communication with drivers
  • Minimization of information transmission errors
  • Improved control of completed orders and deliveries
  • Remote reading of digital tachograph data saves a lot of time, which can be used for other tasks.


#Telematik #BlueLOGICO #TachoEASY #LKW #Diposition

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