Precise toll calculation using the toll module in BlueLOGICO®
Cutting costs
Lesezeit: 5 minutes | Wednesday, 08. May 2019
Exact toll calculation with the toll module in BlueLOGICO®
This is what many operators of truck fleet management systems have been waiting for: a software module that allows the toll fees for all routes to be calculated seamlessly. With the new toll calculator from TachoEASY, fleet managers and dispatchers now have a real power tool at their disposal, enabling them to pre-calculate the costs for all toll roads and highways in Europe for every vehicle class, vehicle profile, and desired origin-destination combination. Furthermore, TachoEASY's new toll module takes into account the emission classes of trucks, the number of axles of the vehicles, discrepancies between planned and actual kilometers driven, and many other cost-relevant details. The new toll feature for BlueLOGICO® is an intelligently programmed tool for accurate cost estimation within fleet management. It prevents unexpected costs during truck route planning and provides maximum cost transparency to the dispatcher.
Three positions, each with two views
Practical and very user-friendly, BlueLOGICO® users can integrate the new toll calculator in three different areas of their software. Depending on the question, work routine, or workflow of the dispatcher, it can be accessed in both the tour planning area and the route tracking module, as well as for ad-hoc calculation of individual route segments. During tour planning, the toll calculator visualizes the complete road fees for the tours created. In route tracking, the dispatcher can calculate the toll costs for the actual distances driven by each vehicle. The ad-hoc calculation finally offers the possibility to evaluate and select individual route segments (point-to-point) regarding the incurred toll costs. All three variants also offer summary and detail views. In the summary view, TachoEASY's toll module displays both the total costs of a tour and the various types of road fees; in the detailed visualization, it focuses on the toll for each individual road.
Optimizing tours, reducing costs
The new toll calculator for BlueLOGICO® is an enormous relief for many fleet managers. With its various applications and views, it ultimately offers dispatchers numerous opportunities for implementing route optimizations as well as short- and long-term cost reductions. And let's not forget: To ensure that the user always has the latest information for route planning, TachoEASY's developers regularly implement the latest fees and route changes into the data set of the toll module.

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