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The introduction of the new tachograph in August 2023

The introduction of the new tachograph in August 2023

What business owners should consider!

Lesezeit: 2 minutes | Thursday, 22. Jun 2023

Attention! In August 2023, a significant change in the transportation industry is coming: the introduction of the new Tachograph Generation 2, Version 2. This update brings some important changes, and there are specific deadlines and requirements you need to consider. In this article, we will give you an overview of what the new tachograph entails and what you should take into account.

The new Tachograph and its features

The new Tachograph is an advancement of the existing system and brings technological improvements with it. These include the following benefits:

  1. Extended data recording: The Tachograph Generation 2 Version 2 allows for more detailed recording of driver and vehicle data. It captures more precise information on driving and rest times, speed, distance traveled, and other relevant parameters.

  2. Improved user interface: The interface of the Tachograph has been optimized to make it more user-friendly and intuitive.

  3. Automatic data retrieval: The Tachograph Generation 2 Version 2 supports automatic data retrieval. This means that the stored data does not need to be manually downloaded from the vehicles. Instead, it can be automatically retrieved via remote download.

  4. Enhanced security features: The Tachograph Generation 2 Version 2 offers improved security mechanisms to prevent tampering or unauthorized access to the recorded data. This ensures the integrity and reliability of the recorded information.

Deadlines and transition period

New vehicles first registered 2 years after the entry into force of the technical specifications for the Smart Tachograph 2 must be equipped with a Smart Tachograph 2, i.e., no earlier than summer 2023.

Old vehicles used in purely national transport do not need to be retrofitted.

The following new schedule applies to the retrofitting of old vehicles used in cross-border traffic:

  • Until January 1, 2025:
    • Vehicles with analog tachographs
    • Vehicles with digital tachograph 1st generation
    • Vehicles with digital tachograph 2nd generation
    • Vehicles with digital tachograph 3rd generation


  • Until August 19, 2025:
    • Vehicles with Smart Tachograph 1

Training and preparation

Make sure your drivers and administrative staff are well prepared for the new tachograph. Learn about training opportunities and the correct handling of the system to avoid errors.

Expert support

Get support from experts to ensure that all requirements are met. Our Deputy Director Werner Dikowitsch regularly holds training sessions at the Chamber of Commerce for entrepreneurs.

To all maintenance & service contract customers: Please note that with the introduction of the new tachograph, we are also retiring our old TachoLOG. The successor software tacholog² is available for download in our shop.

#rechtliches #akademie #tachograph #dtco #dtco2.0

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