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Meet legal requirements easily with TachoLOG®

Meet legal requirements easily with TachoLOG®

What TachoLOG could do, tacholog² can do exponentially better

Lesezeit: 5 minutes | Monday, 07. Oct 2019

The transport industry is subject to a variety of legal regulations for monitoring drivers' driving, working, and rest times. Both drivers and operators are responsible for complying with these legal requirements. Violations can lead to high fines for drivers and operators. During a regular inspection by the supervisory authority, the total fine can quickly rise to several thousand euros. TachoLOG® assists you in meeting the various legal requirements and enables the automated archiving and analysis of data from digital and smart tachographs.

Legal Requirements

The following legal requirements can be easily met with TachoLOG®:

  • Regular retrieval of data from the tachograph of all vehicles and all driver cards
  • Data security
  • Analysis of data according to various criteria
  • Generation of reports from the data
  • Archiving of data from the vehicle unit and driver card

Overview of dates & deadlines

Everything in view: Immediately after starting TachoLOG®, all dates are displayed chronologically in a clear manner. The dates can be individually grouped, sorted, or filtered. You can select which type of date (e.g., "Reading driver card," "Tachograph calibration," or "Renewal of driver's license") should be displayed.


As a transport operator, you must be able to demonstrate the measures taken in relation to the relevant regulations to the supervisory authorities at any time. This can also be done with TachoLOG®! Whether driver briefing, module training, tachograph inspection - the corresponding documents are quickly, clearly, and readily available at all times!

Fully Automated Remote Reading

Want even more automation? No problem. By connecting a telematics box to the digital tachograph, data from the vehicle's mass memory and the driver's data from the digital tachograph can be transmitted to your company and automatically imported into TachoLOG®. This way, driving and rest times are automatically loaded at the legally prescribed intervals. These provide a reliable basis for scheduling. The live-calculated remaining driving times help drivers actively avoid violations and fines. The legal requirements for data management of the digital tachograph and for monitoring driving, working, and rest times are complied with.

#Telematik #BlueLOGICO #TachoEASY #LKW #Diposition

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