PR: Teamwork in Telematics
We report on the Transport Logistic 2019!
Lesezeit: 8 minutes | Monday, 06. May 2019
Telematics Teamwork between Drivers and Dispatchers and efficient archiving of DTCO 4.0 data takes center stage at the TachoEASY booth at Transport Logistic 2019 in Munich. In Hall A3, the Austrian company, along with its German subsidiary, provides deep insights into their modular system solution for cross-border and fully automated fleet management.
The proven archiving system TachoLOG® and the corresponding telematics software BlueLOGICO® from TachoEASY have been top products in European fleet management for years. At this year's Transport Logistic in Munich, entrepreneurs, dispatchers, and drivers can not only discuss with consultants from both companies but also explore the latest features and functions of the modular system solutions in Hall A3 (Booth 308). "Due to its relevance, the use of digital tachographs of type DTCO 4.0, as mandated by the EU from June 15, is likely to play a major role at the fair, along with new control device cards for drivers, entrepreneurs, and workshops," says Gerhard J. Mairhofer, CEO of TachoEASY GmbH.
Ready for the Smart DTCO 4
Irrespective of new DTCO regulations by the EU, the freight forwarder or transporter, in their capacity as an employer, is generally obliged to read and store all relevant data from digital tachographs and driver cards seamlessly. To eliminate time-consuming manual work, TachoEASY offers the option of fully automatic remote reading as part of its fleet management system. "This is also a key focus at our booth in Munich. Our automatic remote reading ensures that all relevant vehicle and driver data are securely transmitted via a mobile data connection from the digital tachograph to the TachoLOG® and BlueLOGICO® systems," emphasizes CEO Gerhard J. Mairhofer. Since the driving and rest times are also automatically loaded at the intervals prescribed by the legislator, the dispatcher always has a reliable basis for their scheduling. Moreover, the live-calculated remaining driving times help drivers avoid violations and fines. TachoLOG® also supports compliance with legal requirements for managing digital tachograph data and driving, working, and rest times, automating many recurring tasks.
Telematics Power for the Fleet
Another highlight at the fair is the dispatching and telematics solution BlueLOGICO® from TachoEASY, which can be integrated with ZA-ARC®. BlueLOGICO® covers areas such as order management, dispatching, and fleet control, typically operated by the dispatcher or fleet manager on a PC. With BlueLOGICO®, users get a powerful system component for order planning, remote reading, tracking, toll calculation, digital consignment note creation, or gaining an overview of the fleet's operations.
A real power tool for BlueLOGICO® is the TEOS® app from TachoEASY, enhancing communication between drivers and dispatchers. With this app for Android smartphones, tour and order data or documents can be sent to the driver in real-time, allowing them to start tours immediately, view orders instantly, sign consignment notes without delay, and much more. "Many functions of the TEOS® app can be performed even without a telematics box in the vehicle," adds Gerhard J. Mairhofer.
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