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Die Stammdaten der Fahrer können hier um weitere Daten wie z.B. Heimadresse des Fahrers (wichtig bei  Zeiterfassung und Diätenabrechnung über BLueLOGICO), Führerscheinnummern etc. erweitert werden.

Additional features of BlueLOGICO®

Track & Trace

Track & Trace

Where are my vehicles? Are the prescribed routes being followed? TachoEASY provides answers to these and many other questions with the Track & Trace feature. Using top-o...
Event warning system

Event warning system

BlueLOGICO® keeps the user informed about ongoing events at all times. For example, a pop-up notification appears when a new message arrives or a predefined event occurs. Alternatively, the dispatc...
Tour lists

Tour lists

The "Tour Lists" module is divided into three individually configurable lists that can be sorted or filtered according to requirements to always have a complete overview. Tours can be imported via ...
Zonensuche & POIs

Zonensuche & POIs

There is no translation available. POIs (Points of Interest) sind benannte Orte mit geografischer Zuordnung. Sie können zum Beispiel POIs für Ihre Kunden anlegen und diese für Ihre Tourenplanung ve...