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Remaining driving time

To avoid exploitation and overburdening of drivers, various regulations are anchored in driver labor laws. BlueLOGICO® assists you in always considering the regulations and laws during route planning by presenting important information on driving, rest, and working times clearly for you. The system automatically uploads driving and rest times and provides them as reliable basis for deployment planning. The live remaining driving times not only help the dispatcher in planning but also the driver to actively prevent fines and violations. If drivers are equipped with the TEOS® app or the DriverDisplay, all important data regarding their remaining driving time is displayed in the TEOS® app / DriverDisplay. This supports you in planning routes and tours optimally considering the legal requirements regarding driving, rest, and working times.

Additional features of BlueLOGICO®

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Vehicle calendar

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POI Master file

POI Master file

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Track & Trace

Track & Trace

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