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The software features a message center through which dispatchers and fleet managers can send messages to drivers. Once your drivers are equipped with the TachoEASY Driver Display, they receive messages, navigation destinations, or route changes directly in the vehicle. With the accompanying response options, the driver can confirm messages or communicate their current status. This fundamentally simplifies communication and saves a lot of phone calls.

Even when the driver is outside the driver's cabin, such as during unloading or similar activities, and does not have the Driver Display in view, they are always reachable with the TEOS® app for smartphones. The TEOS® app is the perfect companion for the driver. All functions of the Driver Display, such as starting tours, viewing order information, documenting activities, and, of course, staying up-to-date with the messaging system, are thus always at the driver's fingertips.

Additional features of BlueLOGICO®

Digital tire file

Digital tire file

The Digital Tire File allows you to capture the master data of individual tires and associate them with the respective vehicle. You can record and monitor important information such as mileage for ...
Route planning

Route planning

A fleet management solution like BlueLOGICO® helps you to have important fleet data provided in real-time at your company headquarters. Economic route planning becomes simple. Create loading and u...
AD Hoc Planung

AD Hoc Planung

There is no translation available. Ein Kunde ruft an und möchte einen Transport buchen? Mit der Adhoc Planung von BlueLOGICO haben sie jederzeit einen Überblick! Sie können in Frage kommende Fahrze...
Digital vehicle file

Digital vehicle file

The Digital Vehicle File enables the management of all vehicle master data. Current mileage, refueling processes, inspection intervals, dates for main inspections, as well as maintenance and repair...