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Track & Trace

Where are my vehicles? Are the prescribed routes being followed? TachoEASY provides answers to these and many other questions with the Track & Trace feature. Using top-of-the-line map data, routes can be accurately traced. Breaks, unforeseen stops, and route miscalculations are immediately apparent. Additionally, the route tracking feature offers the ability to play back the driven route as an animation, making it easy to trace the exact route in detail.

Additional features of BlueLOGICO®



There is no translation available. Sie möchten wissen, ab wann und wie lange sich ein Fahrzeug in einem bestimmten Land aufgehalten hat? Mit dem BlueLOGICO Modul Grenzübertritte sind Sie jederzeit ...
Tour lists

Tour lists

The "Tour Lists" module is divided into three individually configurable lists that can be sorted or filtered according to requirements to always have a complete overview. Tours can be imported via ...
Route planning

Route planning

A fleet management solution like BlueLOGICO® helps you to have important fleet data provided in real-time at your company headquarters. Economic route planning becomes simple. Create loading and u...
CO₂ emissions

CO₂ emissions

TachoEASY enables interested parties to calculate CO₂ emissions for all journeys seamlessly. The calculation of CO₂ emissions is based on actual consumption in real-time. B...